King Suites

Enjoy your luxury stay at Mt Abu and rejuvenate yourself with an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime and  bring you back for more

King Suites

The King Suite Room offers a plush king size bed overlooking spectacular views outside. You will be mesmerized by the surroundings as you lie in the warmth of the cozy upscale furnishings. The room has an en-suite bath with all the required facilities apart from the host of amenities it offersCall +91-9016130530 or write to for bookings. You can alternatively book directly from our website by clicking here

Our Comfort Rooms

Twin Bed Suites featuring luxurious beds and a plush en-suite bath with high end facilities. The bright room full of natural light will uplift your mood

King Suite Room offering a plush king size bed overlooking spectacular views outside. You will be mesmerized by the surroundings as you lie in the warmth of the cozy upscale furnishings

There are three large suites with two double beds if you wish to stay in large groups. There is ample of space to accommodate everyone while having your own space